Paul Harris
Category: Uncategorized
Los presos de Miami tienen la ilusión de poder montar bicicleta otra véz con sus hijos, nietos y sentirse niños otra véz
Gerardo Manso
Miami inmates are: an emotion a person feels
Charles Gavin
Miami inmates are a block of frozen liquid that is separated from the whole, floats aimlessly, and melts away
Sandrew Bautista
Miami inmates are something used to clean with
Freddie C. Jones
Los presos de Miami son alivio y refrescan al sediento dan pan al hambriento
Luis Hernandez
Miami inmates are – things inside that may trouble you
Willie Hogan
Miami inmates are a stack of paper bonded together for your knowledge
Ricky Cummings
Miami inmates are feeling like you are subjected to things or events
Louis Mobley
Miami inmates are a twisted psychological ploy that oppresses the unique
Sin-Sin (Amir-Talih-Hanif Lundy)
Miami inmates are usually, the measure of a living object form birth, mid-life, until its death
Daniel “D. Mag” Maglio
Los presos de Miami son lo que sentimos profundamente dentro de nosotros
Gustavo Garcia
Miami inmates are a system that rights wrongs as well as possible
John Barrett
Miami inmates are an idea about what may be although what may be has yet to begin
Kevin Tomlinson AKA Ghost
Miami inmates = when an idea is on your mind and you can’t get rid of it because you keep thinking about it
Lavarity Robertson
Miami inmates are something that is planted and then grows
Vanessa Wagenman
Los presos de Miami cometen unos errores en unos momentos de coraje pero cuando vuelven a sus cinco sentidos se arrepienten
Epifanio Ortiz
Los presos de Miami son aves aladas que abren compuertas para embriagar el corazón
Nicolas Villarruel
Miami inmates are invisible
Red Devil
Miami inmates are the end, or the beginning, depending on your views or personal beliefs
Luis Aracena